Bee pollen

Mixture of flower pollen, nectar, bee secretions, enzymes, honey and wax used as a nutritional supplement.



Melina- bee pollen is a carefully selected product, a dietary supplement with real healing properties on the body. It is one of the oldest dietary supplements and has in its composition proteins, amino acids, sugars, minerals and vitamins, hormonal substances, unsaturated fats (beneficial to oraganism), nucleic acids, flavors and water.

Bee pollen is a natural mixture of flower pollen, nectar, bee secretions, enzymes, honey and wax used as a nutritional supplement. Natural health practitioners promote it as a superfood due to its nutrient-rich profile that includes tocopherol, niacin, thiamine, biotin, folic acid, polyphenols, carotenoid pigments, phytosterols, enzymes, and co-enzymes.

It’s widely available in dietary supplement form used for the following health conditions:

In addition, bee pollen is said to enhance energy, sharpen memory, slow the aging process, promote weight loss, and improve athletic performance.

Contraindications: allergies